Washington Model Organization of American States
The annual Washington Model General Assembly of the Organization of American States (WMOAS) will take place in Washington, DC, from April 3-7, 2023. The WMOAS is a collaborative effort between the OAS and the Institute for Diplomatic Dialogue in the Americas (IDDA) which is a faculty-run federal non-profit with status as a civil society organization with the OAS. The WMOAS is actively supported by the OAS Office of the Assistant Secretary General and has been endorsed in a Resolution of the OAS itself – AG/RES. 1788 (XXXI-O/01).
This unique collaboration allows students unprecedented access to the OAS and its member state missions. The opening ceremonies are held at the Hall of the Americas at OAS Headquarters; these sessions are attended by ambassadors and the OAS Secretary General. Committee sessions are held at a hotel in the Washington, DC area. The WMOAS faculty works closely with the OAS Office of the Assistant Secretary General to offer a realistic, academically challenging, and unique opportunity for students to learn about the OAS and its mission, its member states, and the important issues that face the Hemisphere.
The simulation of the OAS General Assembly is a five-day event designed to accomplish several goals, including learning about the structures and processes of the OAS itself, in depth learning about topical issues facing the hemisphere as a Member State of the OAS, and mastering the art of diplomacy.
Prior to the simulation in Washington, faculty advisors are asked to register with the IDDA in order to choose a Member State to represent. The registration fee, $950 in 2022, helps defray the cost of producing the simulation. There are no salaries or other personnel costs associated with the Washington Model.
Each student delegation, as composed by the faculty, consists of no more than ten and no fewer than five students. Almost every student at the model receives academic credit for the WMOAS from their college or university. Faculty are responsible for ensuring that each student is assigned to one of five committees. Each of these committees has an agenda of topics and issues that will be addressed in the Washington Model General Assembly. Prior to coming to Washington, students prepare positions on these topics, consistent with the positions of the Member State they are representing. Preparation culminates in a draft proposed resolution. This draft resolution will be submitted first to a faculty review committee and then to the committee for discussion and debate during committee sessions at the WMOAS.
During the WMOAS week itself, the formal opening session and orientation meetings are held on Monday. Time is also devoted to revise proposed draft resolutions and/or to gain supporting signatures from delegates representing other Member States. Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, and Thursday are devoted to committee sessions, during which student delegates introduce and debate each other’s proposed draft resolutions. Friday consists of the closing ceremonies and the elections for the officers for the following year’s Washington Model.
During the Washington Model, faculty are engaged in a variety of activities, including reviewing resolutions and providing support for committee chairs. The role of faculty is most pronounced in the preparatory phases before students get to the Washington Model. Once at the Washington Model, faculty are encouraged to allow their student delegates to “learn by doing”; in other words, to give students the freedom to apply what they have learned in class about the issues and diplomacy so that they can faithfully represent their Member State and reach consensus on the resolutions presented. However, we do expect Advisors to be present throughout the week to aid in the smooth functioning of the Washington Model and to meet and get to know their colleagues from across the Hemisphere. Most Advisors find the collegial atmosphere at the model to be professionally and personally rewarding. Faculty are encouraged to share their expertise at this forum and contribute to the continued development of this unique simulation experience.